What Most People Get Wrong About Social Security

What Most People Get Wrong About Social Security

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March 15, 2023

I’ve spent more than a decade helping people get the most out of their Social Security. Here’s roughly what most people tell me they “know” about Social Security: “I think I pretty-much understand it. I can start at 62 or up to 70, though I get a bigger check later. I hear it’s running short of money soon, so maybe I should take it early, get what I can while I can...

Podcast: My Dream Life on the Caribbean Island of Grenada

Podcast: My Dream Life on the Caribbean Island of Grenada

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March 15, 2023

Sensitive and insightful, evocative and inspiring, Sarah’s article portrays an island nation that may not enjoy the same wealth or development as some of its neighbors, but which makes up for all that with benefits—friendliness, acceptance, wonderful weather, a distinctive culture—that are more valuable than any GDP score. We had to invite her onto the podcast for a more detailed look into life on Grenada.

Rediscovering Cuenca: Three Days in and Around Ecuador’s Third Largest City

Rediscovering Cuenca: Three Days in and Around Ecuador’s Third Largest City

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March 12, 2023

When my husband, Ken, and I moved to Ecuador in 2019, we fully intended to make the most of the myriad cultural, historical, and scenic attractions that our adopted city of Cuenca had to offer. After all, those were high on the list of reasons we had chosen to live in this UNESCO World Heritage Site in the first place. But we soon fell into an inevitable and familiar weekly...