5 Great Towns in Rural Italy

5 Great Towns in Rural Italy

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March 28, 2016

It’s the country that brought us Leonardo Da Vinci, mouthwatering cuisine from pizza to pasta, enchanting art and culture, world-class fashion capitals, wine, and the very best of it, and perhaps most importantly the concept of la dolce vita (literally translated as “the sweet life”). It’s where you’ll find history-steeped Rome with its well-kept ancient monuments and food culture…Venice with its air of mystery and its famous masquerade balls…and Florence with its art and culture and vineyard-covered surroundings.

You Can’t Prop Up the Economy with a Selfie Stick

You Can’t Prop Up the Economy with a Selfie Stick

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March 15, 2016

Apparently, we can’t seem to get enough of “stuff”. Each and every year, Americans empty their bank accounts in earnest pursuit of ever more doo-dads and knick-knacks. About $12.7 trillion worth per annum, to be exact. As far as we can tell, it doesn’t even have to be the “right stuff.” Goldfish walkers…pet rocks…selfie sticks… It seems any old stuff will do. As long as it’s on sale, available for purchase on credit and within an arm’s (or a click’s) reach.

“Retirement in Costa Rica is Better Than We Imagined”

“Retirement in Costa Rica is Better Than We Imagined”

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March 14, 2016

“I love that our life is so different than I ever thought it would be,” says Pokey Sherman, 65. “I grew up in Pittsburgh. And my parents retired to Florida. I thought, ‘Is that all there is?’ I think the idea of retirement should be to change your lifestyle.” “It’s a real joy to wake up and come out here and realize what we’ve done,” she adds, referring to their fifth-floor balcony. Their condo is set on a hill overlooking a low-key beach town, verdant forest, the glittering Pacific, surfer-filled waves, and river to the north.

5 Low-Cost Countries Where You Can Live on $1,500 a Month or Less

5 Low-Cost Countries Where You Can Live on $1,500 a Month or Less

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February 24, 2016

By choosing to retire in one of the world’s best bang-for-your-buck destinations, Rob enjoys a lifestyle well beyond his reach if he had stayed in the U.S. Every day he can choose to relax on the beaches around his home in the town of Sihanoukville, on the Cambodian coast, dine on fresh French croissants…rent a sailboat or go fishing on an offshore charter…

Living in Stress-Free Belize on 66% Less Than in the U.S.

Living in Stress-Free Belize on 66% Less Than in the U.S.

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February 19, 2016

If you drop by Dan and Mary Elizabeth Crofts home in Corozal, Belize, you might find Dan indulging in one of his favorite new pastimes…feeding the local iguanas. Mary Elizabeth explains, “We have a family of three that we have named: Greta, Gary, and their son, Genghis. They love bananas and we have a video of Dan feeding them”.

A Beach-Lover’s Paradise With Great Views and Low Property Prices in Nicaragua

A Beach-Lover’s Paradise With Great Views and Low Property Prices in Nicaragua

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February 14, 2016

Imagine sitting on your patio with a glass of wine in hand and fresh mahi mahi waiting for you, prepared by your private cook, who you pay $48 a week to make all your meals (add to that cleaning costs at $20 a week for two days’ work). You gaze at the endless sea and talk about the snow you used to shovel and the months you had to wait for the crocuses and daffodils to appear, the days you spent inside because it was too cold to go out. Now brilliant, colorful flowers adorn your home all year. The crash of the waves lull you to sleep at night.

We Went on Vacation…And Now Live Full-Time in Paradise

We Went on Vacation…And Now Live Full-Time in Paradise

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January 31, 2016

Many people say that you cannot possibly come to Belize and not have some kind of a big adventure. I have to agree. My first visit to Belize was in 1995. I vacationed for a week of scuba diving off Glover’s Reef. I met my Belizean husband, Marcos, during that trip, and he moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico with me in 1996. I was a practicing psychotherapist and my husband launched a small business. We enjoyed living in Santa Fe, but were intensely busy virtually all of the time.