5 Low-Cost Countries Where You Can Live on $1,500 a Month or Less

5 Low-Cost Countries Where You Can Live on $1,500 a Month or Less

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February 24, 2016

By choosing to retire in one of the world’s best bang-for-your-buck destinations, Rob enjoys a lifestyle well beyond his reach if he had stayed in the U.S. Every day he can choose to relax on the beaches around his home in the town of Sihanoukville, on the Cambodian coast, dine on fresh French croissants…rent a sailboat or go fishing on an offshore charter…

Living in Stress-Free Belize on 66% Less Than in the U.S.

Living in Stress-Free Belize on 66% Less Than in the U.S.

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February 19, 2016

If you drop by Dan and Mary Elizabeth Crofts home in Corozal, Belize, you might find Dan indulging in one of his favorite new pastimes…feeding the local iguanas. Mary Elizabeth explains, “We have a family of three that we have named: Greta, Gary, and their son, Genghis. They love bananas and we have a video of Dan feeding them”.

Why I Stand By Our “Crazy” Decision To Move to Belize

Why I Stand By Our “Crazy” Decision To Move to Belize

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February 11, 2016

When my husband Dave and I first visited Belize we were blown away by the island lifestyle and culture. We loved seeing swaying palm trees and white-sand beaches everywhere we looked. We loved seeing people actually enjoying their day, walking to get their groceries, the lack of materialism, and the fact that we could be outside 12 months a year.

Rent in This Panama Retirement Retreat For $650 a Month

Rent in This Panama Retirement Retreat For $650 a Month

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January 6, 2016

I was tired of working 40, sometimes 50 hours a week as a designer for an international furniture manufacturer. Working on commission only, I often worked on my days off to facilitate clients, and meeting my required goals had become increasingly difficult. Continually declining markets, escalating real estate taxes, and the rising cost of electricity and heating oil were other factors that made me decide it was time for a change.

It’s Easy to Live a Healthier, Happier Life in Belize

It’s Easy to Live a Healthier, Happier Life in Belize

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November 28, 2015

Belize first attracted me because of the spectacular Caribbean seascapes and the vibrant offshore barrier reef teaming with colorful, diverse sea life…the laidback lifestyle…affordable cost of living…and the friendly Belizeans. But after moving here another advantage became apparent. Maintaining a healthy, happy lifestyle in Belize is easy. As a matter of fact, many expats who move to Belize remark that they have lost weight, are in better shape, and feel better than they have in years…