How International Living Changed My Life for the Better

The 2008 economic tsunami that hit the U.S. nearly destroyed my wife and me. I lost my job and didn’t find work for two years. As a result, we lost our house plus several rental houses and all of our savings. At 54 years old, we were starting over. The thought of never being able to retire was gone.

But, somehow I became aware of International Living magazine and started reading about people with similar stories that had actually relocated to beautiful locations around the world for a fraction of the cost of living in the U.S. Folks, this was a game changer! Hope had been restored.

I read IL for three to four years and would discuss the possibility of moving overseas with my wife. I was on board with a move, but she wasn’t quite ready. This is very normal. Usually, one spouse has the idea and enthusiasm for the move while the other spouse needs time to “warm” to the idea.

robert jackson
Bob Jackson

In September 2017, my wife finally agreed to a move. But to where? I had read about all the great places IL recommends but she had none of this background information. But, I knew exactly how to bring her up to speed. So, I signed us up for the November 2017 Bootcamp in Las Vegas, where our lives changed dramatically for the better.

It was a marvelous conference that supplied all the details regarding places to live better and less expensive lives, how to bring pets (very important to us), how to obtain visa’s, healthcare, daily life, housing, etc. The presenters were absolutely amazing and were always available to discuss their country and how it might fit our specific objectives.

IL magazine brought hope and opportunities to us and Bootcamp supplied the details.

In January 2018, we boarded a plane to Penang, Malaysia, to investigate what we had heard at Bootcamp. We had already visited southern France and Ecuador but wanted to see parts of Asia, as well. We had a fantastic visit and even met with several IL correspondents while we were there. Their insights and knowledge were invaluable.

We decided to relocate to Penang. By March 2018, we had sold our house and all our belongings. On June 8, 2018, we departed the U.S. for our new life abroad. Eight months after attending Bootcamp we were on our way. It has surpassed all that we could have envisioned.

IL magazine brought hope and opportunities to us and Bootcamp supplied the details and intimate knowledge we so desperately needed to embark upon this journey. Since our move, I have written several Daily Postcards describing our life so those still evaluating a move abroad will know it’s, not only possible, but life-changing.

Penang, Malaysia

We also subscribe to Fund Your Life Overseas and the Real Estate Trend Alert. While we currently rent in Penang, one day we will relocate to another part of the world and, perhaps, eventually settle down. RETA has provided numerous opportunities at great values of which we hope to take advantage.

Without IL magazine, Bootcamp, Fund Your Life Overseas, and RETA, we would still be living to work in the U.S. Instead, we are living on an island, with wonderful warm weather, more friends than we ever had in the States, and at a cost that is 30% of the cost in the U.S.

As I write this, I am on my balcony overlooking a crescent-shaped beach and blue and red boats bobbing in the water. From my bedroom window, I look out across the Straits of Malacca to mainland Malaysia. Our 1,400-square-foot, two bedroom, two-bathroom condo would cost four times as much along the Atlantic or Pacific coasts.

We took a chance to make a change. IL allowed this to happen. I will be forever grateful. You can make this change, as well.
