Episode 5: Swapping Panama City For a Sea-View Condo in Coronado

International Living’s Bigger Better World podcast delves into the stories behind the story. This week, the podcast features International Living Panama Editor Jessica Ramesch, who has been living in Panama for over 17 years, but who is seeing the country with new eyes having recently moved from the capital, Panama City, to a sea-view condo in the beach zone of Coronado.

Known as the arco seco, or “Dry Arc”, this region of Pacific Ocean coast sees more sunshine and less rainfall than other areas of Panama, and that’s the reason why it’s home to a thriving expat community. What’s more, Coronado has been steadily growing as a regional hub for amenities and shopping, making it more attractive now than it’s ever been.

Eight months into her move, Jessica has moved past the honeymoon period, and is truly settling in. Does she still love it as much as when she first set eyes on her pristine sea view? And for others who might consider moving to this heavenly stretch of tropical coastline, is it easy to move there? Can you get a visa? Can you work remotely there? Is it easy to get there and travel around? Jessica answers all of these questions, and explains a little why her friends now tell her that she seems happier than they’ve ever seen her.

Settle in, press play, and find out as we welcome you to the latest episode of International Living’s Bigger Better World podcast.

Read Jessica’s article from the June issue of the magazine here.

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Our Host: Jim Santos is a freelance writer and voice over artist who spent 6 years living in Salinas, Ecuador on the shores of the Pacific Ocean, exploring that country and others in South America and Europe. He has written over 200 articles for the Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post, and International Living.

In addition to the popular “Living Abroad: Challenging the Myths of Expat Life“, “Hiking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu” and “The Galápagos Islands: On Your Own and On a Budget” he is also the author of “Ecuador Scouting Trip Itineraries and Travel Guide: An International Living Report“. He has been a popular speaker at six International Living conferences held in Ecuador and the USA. More information can be found at https://jimsantosbooks.com/.



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