The 10 Best Things About Ireland

Maybe it’s the music. Or the breathtaking landscapes. Or the witty humor and long, effortless conversations. Even without a drop of Irish blood in your veins, it’s easy to fall in love with Ireland’s charms, traditions, and strong sense of community.

The recession that followed the Celtic Tiger boom hasn’t altered the essentials that make the Emerald Isle special.

Everywhere in Ireland, history comes at you in torrents. The Celtic age of wonder, mystery, and heroic deeds never seems too far away. If Ireland appeals to you, now is the time to start taking a closer look.

Ireland’s charm remains as strong as ever. The whole nation—but particularly the countryside—takes a small-town approach to life. Everyone in Ireland speaks English (even in the few Irish-speaking areas). The Irish are friendly, hospitable people. It may be a cliché, but it’s true.

In Ireland, you don’t have to make a hard choice between seascapes and mountains, between tranquil lake lands or verdant river valleys. Ireland has them all.

In most towns and villages, you’re never too far from the ocean…from golden beaches swept clean by rolling Atlantic waves…the views of mysterious smaller islands shimmering offshore…and quaint harbor towns with their hand-painted shop fronts and color-washed cottages.

Read on for 10 great reasons why spending time there makes sense.

Ireland Infographic


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