You’re Invited to “Meet” Our Editors March 27-28

“We could have retired comfortably in the U.S….but we live three to four times better down here.” So said one couple happily ensconced abroad.

But, in truth, they speak for many. You CAN escape from America. Millions of folks like you already have.

And you could follow in their footsteps—more easily and more affordably than you probably imagine.

When you have a good roadmap to follow, that is.

And our experts will give you one specific to you at the end of this month, at our first-ever Ultimate Escape Overseas Online Event.  I’m the Publisher here at International Living, and I’d like to invite you to join us. It’s the only time this year you’ll have a chance to connect with our IL experts one-on-one, and there’s no better way to put your overseas dream on the fast track. It’s one thing to read about your options—it’s another entirely to dig into them with our experts “holding your hand.”

With their guidance and recommendations, you might choose to spend your winters on a Caribbean beach or decamp to Spain three months a year for the sun and the food and the wine.

You might find your “just right” retreat in Mexico’s highlands, in a spring-weather spot filled with musicians and artists.

Or perhaps you’d prefer a beach-rimmed island in Southeast Asia where you could kayak or sail every day.

You could invest in a condo with a view of the surf in a spot poised to boom. It’s a savvy way to protect yourself from whatever this uncertain economy may have in store. You could diversify your holdings outside the US, outside the dollar, outside stocks and bonds. And you’d have an investment you could enjoy, too… (can’t say that about a mutual fund)!

Maybe you like the idea of taking your work-from-home job to a place overseas where the weather suits you, the internet is good, and you could slash your cost of living in half. That’s a good deal even if you do it for just a month or three.

At our upcoming event, we’ll show you how to do all of that—and lots more.

But please note: If you’re interested in attending this program—and I hope you are— it’s important that you book your place sooner rather than later, while I can still guarantee you a spot. You’ll find all the details—including a special $100 discount—right here.

Attend This Online Event Live or Access the Recordings (Included)

This extraordinary program offers a high level of access to our experts.

If you like the idea of having the option of chatting with our speakers after their presentations have ended…

If you’d like to make a one-on-one appointment with any number of our speakers during the event or in the week after…

If you look forward to exploring your many good options overseas today with our expert guides—and having the opportunity to ask them your questions…

We’ll be recording this program as it unfolds March 27-28—so if you need to step away from any sessions or simply watch later when it’s more convenient for you—that’s easy.

When you register, you will receive full access to the archived recordings—free. That’s included at no charge when you register.

Let Us Help You Put Your Own Overseas Escape on the Fast Track

If you’re ready to embrace a travel-filled life, up the adventure and lower your costs, find ways to invest that take advantage of global trends and offer you greater protection (and growth) for your hard-earned nest egg, then this could be perfect for you.

We’ll show you how you could follow in the footprints of these fellow readers…

Life at the Beach IS Within Your Reach

Life at the Beach IS Within Your Reach

“I couldn’t afford a view in Southern California…not even for the weekend. Now, here I am…looking out my bedroom window, and I see miles of shoreline, and mountains, too. This is gold to us…we struck gold.” –J.W. enjoying a more international life

Lower Your Taxes, Recoup Savings, Enjoy Adventure

Lower Your Taxes, Recoup Savings, Enjoy Adventure

“Living abroad can provide a significant tax savings, even if you only do it for a few years to fortify your retirement savings. Combined with my much-reduced cost of living – in a picturesque, atmospheric city – I’m rebuilding my nest egg after a divorce and an extended period of living on my savings after the loss of a job … and I am doing so at a far faster pace than would have been possible with my life in the U.S.” – J.O., enjoying a more international life 

Trade Your 2-Week Vacation for a Low-Key Life at the Beach

Trade Your 2-Week Vacation for a Low-Key Life at the Beach

“We’re thankful every day for our newfound lifestyle here. People work 50 weeks a year to spend a two-week vacation in [this] area. We live here—enough said!”

– B.W., enjoying a more international life 

Connect with Our Experts One-on-One

Over two engaging days at the end of the month, our experts gathering from all around the world (in one place online) are going to show you how to create for yourself a more international life that’s perfect for you. Part-time, full-time, Latin America, Southeast Asia, Europe…it’s all up to you.

1.) We’re going to help you narrow down the list of places you should consider—given your own interests, preferences, needs, and wants (because there is no one-size-fits-all destination).

2.) We’re going to be hyper-focused on helping you make easy comparisons between communities—both within countries and across borders.

3.) And we’re going to give you access to every resource you could need—right there with plenty of one-on-one interaction—so you can get your questions answered.

You’ll find all the details here.

I realize that the logistics of finding your path overseas (whether it’s a move part-time or full-time or you’re simply interested in an investment home you could visit a few weeks a year) can be so intimidating that lots of people just never try.

But it doesn’t have to be that way for you.

It’s not as hard or as complicated as it might seem. Not when you have the expertise we do. And we’re bringing that expertise to you online March 27-28. You’ll be able to tap into all of it in exactly the way you need to.

Expect Lots of Give and Take

Part of taking advantage of the best opportunities overseas comes down to knowing who to talk to, and knowing the best, most reliable resources to tap.

There’s a lot of “noise” out there. You Google something and you get thousands of responses. So often it’s hard to distinguish the useful bits from those that are a waste of time or simply incorrect.

That’s why—during this live online event—the editors, correspondents, expats, and experts we’ll have on hand will be sharing their best connections with you.

It’ll help ensure you have not only a blueprint for what you need to do, but also the connections you need to do it.

There will not be a more affordable time to sign on and seats are going fast. Don’t wait and pay more or—worse—miss out altogether.

The opportunities our experts will deliver on March 27-28 could be worth thousands (or even tens of thousands) of dollars for you. Both in savings…and in potential gains…

They’ve proven their worth many times over for thousands upon thousands of readers in the more than forty years we’ve been in business.

Folks who took advantage of the great overseas opportunities I’ve talked about and, today, have their nest eggs tucked away in a beachfront home or in a cosmopolitan escape in a burgeoning market…

…people retired like royalty on a Social Security income…

…people living comfortably in a beautiful, safe, slow-paced retreat where they’re earning a portable income in the mornings and enjoying a relaxed lifestyle in the afternoons…

Readers just like you living with confidence today… enjoying not only adventure, but peace of mind…

With our experts as your guide, you can do the same thing.

Editor’s Note: But to take advantage of this live online event, you need to register soon. The available spots are limited to ensure that every attendee gets the access and attention they deserve. But as a result, we expect a sell-out crowd. So I encourage you to get the details now and register. Please don’t wait. The price goes up March 23. You’ll find the details—and a discount—here.



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